Checklists & General

Detailed Q&A


Find the answers for the most commonly asked questions about AOR caravans

Warnings & safety instructions


Fire Safety, Wheel Nuts, Bearing Servicing, Water Crossings, Water Crossings, Tyre Pressure, Town Water Supply, Salt, Toilet System, Welding, Aggregate Trailer Mass (ATM)

Wheel stud engineering report


AOR are changing torque settings, We have included wheel stud checking as part of our service criteria, added wheel nut indicators to all new trailers

TARE Weight Information


The model TARE weight is inclusive of all standard items, with no fluids onboard, The model TARE weight given is an estimate and may variant

Storage mode checklist


Storage mode checklist, Remove food items from the fridge, Prop fridge door open, Clean fridge, Relax windows into storage position, Empty the black water

Recommended spare parts and tools


Recommended spare parts and tools, Spanner set, Screwdriver set, Allen keys, Adjustable shifting spanner, Pliers, Vice grips, Side cutters, Wheel brace, Suitable jack, Funnel